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arrow wrap cuts

Our arrow wraps are produced in 5 different cuts. Click on the category to learn more about each cut.

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Featured products


Arrow building

Bohning Strip-Pro

Out of stock
 2,95 23,60

Arrow building

Wrap Removal Disk


Arrow Wraps

Zebra Blue on White


Why use arrow wraps


  • Using glue on a carbon shaft is a risk as you can damage the shaft
  • Vanes actually stick better on wraps
  • We use premium materials for our wraps that have been tested by professional archers

spin vanes

  • With optional lines on the wraps makes fletching spin vanes has never been easier
  • Replace your damaged spin vanes with confidence during training or competition


  • Find the design of your choice to make your arrows unique
  • Combine with vanes to make the perfect combination
  • Add your name to the wraps
  • Add numbering to identify individual arrows


Custommadewraps help me be more consistent because of the spinwing lines, the vanes stick better to my shaft than without wraps and they look great.
For me, it’s a no brainer!

Sjef van den Berg / Professional archer

Custom Made Arrow Wraps take quality into consideration in everything they do.
From proper arrow size fitting to choice of design and graphics, they make your arrows stand out amongst the crowd.
Great product by great people!

Crispin Duenas / Professional archer

I always want color matching equipment.
The bow, strings, sight, scope but we forgot about our arrows, and there’s where Custommadewraps do their part!
Great product and better people!

Camilo Cardona / Colombia National team member

I immediately liked the concept of Custom made arrow wraps!!
Giving your arrows your own personal touch.
Saves time on fletching and looks good. Good for a nice photo as well

Dean Alberga /

Using Custom made Arrow wraps gave me the confidence to get the
best out of my shooting. Durable wraps, easy fletching and accurate shooting!

Peter Elzinga / Elzinga Archery

Having the Socx vinyl wraps will keep your fletching time shorter and your arrow life longer. I use them for both competitive and hunting applications. They are an absolute must for me!

John Dudley / Nock On

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