Did you indulge over Christmas and feel that you need to lose those extra pounds this New Year?
Did you know that the trend for the last couple of years has been “strong is the new sexy”?
Cardio is important, but what will get you shifting the Christmas bulge and help you get the results that you want in the quickest time, is lifting heavy!
I plan my sessions around a weights routine for my clients, you can do these in 30minutes, and more importantly get better results, quicker!
Exercises which use the whole body are called compound movements, the body is designed to work as a whole, so I get my clients to train that way.
My top compound lifts are;
The Squat
This classic compound movement trains everything, but the hips and core especially. Squats can be completed using a barbell and you can start to train yourself doing these by sitting onto and off of a bench, and make sure your friend spots you. Start light and work up to the target of squatting your body weight on that barbell! (Athletes 1.5 x bodyweight). Be careful if you have bad knees.
The Deadlift
This is great for back strength and if done correctly creates amazing glutes (bums!) But please be careful, if done incorrectly it can cause a strain in the lower back!
Aim for 1.5 x body weight (eventually – again build up to this slowly) (Athletes 2x bodyweight). Be careful if you have a bad back.
Pull ups or Chin ups
My secret weapon to create great arms, backs and abs! Yes you heard correctly if you want nice abs these are your ticket! If – like many people – you can’t yet do a pull up, get a training buddy to give you a push, or jump up to the bar. Make sure you squeeze your chest all the way to the top, you will be amazed how quickly you’re able to do it by yourself. Aim for 5 pull ups in a row (Athletes 10reps) Be careful if you have bad overhead range.
The exercises should be performed at 80-90% of your maximum so you can recover well enough to walk up the stairs at work the next day!
Aim for these rep and sets;
5-8 reps for 3-4 sets for exercises such as the squats, deadlifts and pull up/chin ups.
10-12 reps for 3 sets for secondary exercises such as hip extensions (bridges), push ups, leg press etc.
This way you get your metabolism adaptations and you also get neural adaptations. And don’t worry you will not get “stacked” (big and bulky) only full-time lifters that eat 1000s and 1000s of calories a day do!
Follow my advice and you will decrease body fat % and increase body muscle %
= smaller body measurements and clothes sizes but perhaps more weight on the scales.
Good luck #LOSPT